Course Offerings

EE-101 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering (3 credits)
A hands-on introduction to electrical and computer engineering. Topics include the use of the computer in engineering and an introduction to the design process. Student teams led by faculty (typically the students academic advisor) complete design projects in a particular discipline. Fall.
EE-210 Circuits I (3 credits)
Integrated lab/lecture covers the fundamentals of electrical circuit analysis. Introduces foundational circuit theorems and analysis methods. These include: Ohm's law, Kirchhoff 's laws, circuit reduction, node voltage analysis, mesh current analysis,superposition, and Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits. The current-voltage characteristics for resistors,capacitors, inductors, diodes, and transistors are discussed. Additional topics include analysis of resistive DC circuits, operational amplifiers, the natural and step responses of first and second-order RLC circuits, the steady-state sinusoidal response of RLC circuits, and common diode and transistor applications. Theoretical principles verified by circuit construction and measurement and through the use of circuit simulation software. Students learn to use a variety of electrical test equipment including voltmeters, ammeters, ohmmeters, and digital and analog oscilloscopes. Prerequisite: Mathematics 222. Fall, spring.
EE-215 Circuits II (3 credits)
An integrated lab/lecture covers linear system theory as applied in the analysis of electrical circuits. Topics include the sinusoidal steadystate response and phasors, the Laplace transform, Fourier series and the Fourier transform, passive and active frequency selective circuits (filters), and Bode diagrams. Theoretical principles verified by circuit construction and measurement and through the use of circuit simulation software. Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 210. Corequisite: Mathematics 324 or permission of instructor. Spring, summer.
EE-224 Electrical Engineering Programming Lab (2 credits)
Provides advanced programming concepts for electrical engineering majors. The course is specifically aimed at programming microcontrollers and the use of programming tools in electrical engineering. Topics covered include bit manipulation, memory allocation concepts, architectural considerations, real time events, specialized microcontroller I/O, and programming with MATLAB and other simulation tools. Prerequisites: EE-210 and either ENGR-123 or CS-210. Spring.
EE-254 Logic Design (3 credits)
Presents a thorough treatment of combinational and sequential logic design. Topics include number systems, Boolean algebra, minimization procedures, sequential circuit design, flipflops, counters, registers, and finite-state machines. Logic design is applied to computer architecture and microprogramming and hard-wired concepts are introduced. Programmable logic devices and computer aided design tools for digital circuits used for class projects. Spring.
EE-310 Signals and Systems (3 credits)
The course covers continuous-time signals and systems. Topics include introduction to the mathematical representation of signals, system characterization, convolution, and system analysis in the time and frequency domains. Fourier and Laplace transform analysis techniques of signals and systems are presented. Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 215; Mathematics 324. Fall.
EE-311 Digital Signal Processing (3 credits)
This course provides a solid foundation in the theory and methods used in filtering digital signals with a focus on audio and image processing. Topics include Sampling, Discrete-Time Signals and Systems, the z-Transform, the Discrete Fourier Transform, FFT Algorithms, FIR and IIR filter design, and Digital Filter Structures. Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 310. Spring.
EE-330 Introduction to Power Systems (3 credits)
Introduces the principles and concepts that are the basis of electric power systems. Topics include single phase and three phase systems, the per-unit system, synchronous generators,single phase and three phase power transformers modeling and design, transmission line models for steady state operation, transmission system design, line load-ability and stability limits, power flow analysis,fault tolerance, and optimal dispatch of generation. Prerequisite:Electrical Engineering 215.
EE-331 Energy Conversion Systems (3 credits)
Introduces theory of operation and analysis of energy conversion devices and systems. Topics include magnetic and electric forces, electromechanical energy conversion, motors, energy storage, solar electric, wind power, small hydro,fuel cells, biomass, and geothermal. Includes a project lab.
EE-342 Electronics I (3 credits)
Lecture/lab covers analysis and designof diode and transistor circuits. Diode, metal-oxide-semiconductorfield-effect transistor (MOSFET) and bipolar junction transistor(BJT) device characteristics are explored in detail. Major topicsinclude diode applications, transistor amplifiers, and digital logicfamilies. Specific topics include amplifier characteristics, circuitmodels for amplifiers, the pn junction, ideal diodes, modeling diodeforward characteristics, reverse breakdown of diodes, MOSFET andBJT device structures, MOSFET and BJT amplifiers in DC, MOSsmall-signal operation and discrete-circuit amplifiers, complementarymetal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) inverters, CMOS logic-gatecircuits, pass-transistor logic (PTL) circuits, and emitter-coupled logic(ECL) circuits. Several small team projects are used to reinforce theoryand to develop design skills. 3 hours lecture. Prerequisites: EE 210. Corequisite: EE 254 or permission of the instructor.
EE-343 Electronics II (3 credits)
Lecture/lab with continued coverageof material presented in Electrical Engineering 342. Major topicsinclude BJT amplifiers, IC amplifiers, differential amplifiers, nonidealoperational amplifiers, and frequency effects. Specific topicsinclude small-signal operation and models of BJTs, discrete-circuitBJT amplifiers, IC amplifiers, current-mirrors with improved performanceBJT and MOS differential pair circuits, common-moderejection ratio, DC imperfections of op amps, large signal operationof op amps, LM741 op amp circuit, high frequency BJT and MOSmodels, and the high and low frequency response of transistor amplifiers.Several small team projects are used to reinforce theory and todevelop design skills. 3 hours lecture. Prerequisites: EE 215, 342.
EE-354 Embedded Systems (3 credits)
Discusses the design of computer systems with emphasis on the interaction between hardware and software. Topics include register design, memory systems, programmable I/O devices, interrupt driven I/O, controller design and microprogramming, bus systems, interface electronics, and assembly language programming. The C programming language is used for most projects. Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 254, CS-210 or ENGR-123; working knowledge of C or C+. Fall.
EE-356 Windows Application Development (3 credits)
Introduction to system programming in the Windows operating system. Topics include the console applications, windows forms, elementary graphics, ASP.NET web forms, ADO.NET, TCP/IP communication, and dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) and/or device drivers. Same as CS 376. Prerequisites: Engineering 123 or Computer Science 210; Electrical Engineering 254 or Computer Science 220. Same as Computer Science 376. Fall.
EE-360 Linear Control Systems (3 credits)
Introduction to analysis and design of linear analog and digital feedback control systems. Topics include system modeling, time and frequency domain performance analysis, stability analysis, and controller design. Introduces both rootlocus and frequency domain techniques of system analysis and design. Presents emulation techniques for digital controller design. Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 310. Spring.
EE-380 Instrumentation (3 credits)
Automation software, interfacing methods and circuit fabrication techniques are presented. Students gain practical experience using test and measurement tools and equipment through a series of project assignments. Prerequisites: EE 215, EE 254, and EE 342. Spring.
EE-410 Analog Circuit Synthesis (3 credits)
Lecture/project covers analysis and design of active circuits. Major topics include feedback, instrumentation amplifiers, active filter design, non-linear circuits, signal generators, and voltage regulation circuits. Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 310, 343.
EE-415 Digital Image Processing (3 credits)
A study of the computer methods used in processing digital images. Topics include: image acquisition, image enhancement and restoration, image representation, computer image file formats, and image compression. Processing of both monochrome and color images is discussed. Representation and processing of images in the spatial (pixel) and frequency domains is covered. Prerequisite: EE 310
EE-420 Electromagnetics (3 credits)
Introduction to electromagnetic field theory. Topics include vector analysis, static and time-varying electric and magnetic fields, Maxwell's equations, capacitance, inductance, plane electromagnetic waves, and transmission lines.
EE-421 Photonics I (3 credits)
Introduction to basic optics, optical devices and lasers. Topics include geometrical and physical optics, ray matrices, optical fiber characteristics, losses, dispersion, transverse electromagnetic modes, and communications. Examples of current applications and laboratory demonstrations provided. Prerequisite: EE 215. Corequisite: EE 320. Spring.
EE-422 Photonics II (3 credits)
Introduction to lasers and laser systems. Topics include stable optical cavity design, atomic media characteristics, gain equations, rate equations, cavity modes, cavity devices mode control, and pulse forming networks. Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 421.
EE-425 Lines Waves and Antennas (3 credits)
Examines transmission lines, waveguides, and antennas. Topics include transmission line equations, Smith charts, slotted lines, microwave impedance matching, plane wave propagation, radiation patterns, and antenna arrays. Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 320. Taught by request.
EE-430 Energy Conversion Systems (3 credits)
Introduces theory of operation and analysis of energy conversion devices and systems. Topics include magnetic and electric forces, electromechanical energy conversion, motors, energy storage, solar electric, wind power, small hydro,fuel cells, biomass, and geothermal. Includes a project lab. Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 210;Mathematics 222.
EE-432 Analysis of Power Systems (3 credits)
Covers operation, control, protection, and stability of power systems. Topics include power flow analysis, synchronous machine transient analysis, symmetrical components, balanced and unbalanced fault analysis, power system control, frequency control, automatic generation control, reactive power and voltage control, stability analysis, and protection of power systems. Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 330 or 430.
EE-437 Power System Planning (3 credits)
Covers topics in distribution system planning, load characteristics, design of subtransmission lines, distribution substations, primary and secondary systems, application of capacitors, voltage regulation, distribution system protection, and reliability. Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 330.
EE-438 Electric Power Quality (3 credits)
Focuses on such subjects as harmonics, noise, filtering, and communication interference in power systems. Modeling, analysis, and solutions are points of emphasis. Topics include measures and standards of power quality, measurements and errors, modeling and design of components, harmonics, loads which cause power quality problems, susceptibility of loads to unwanted signals, and power quality improvement.
EE-440 Communication Electronics (3 credits)
Lecture/project focuses on circuits used in modern wireless communication devices. Topics include high frequency passive component models, transmission line and microstrip theory and the Smith chart, multiport networks and scattering parameters, radio frequency filter design, high frequency active devices and models,matching networks, radio frequency amplifiers, oscillators,and mixers. Prerequisites: EE 320, 470.
EE-445 Industrial Electronics and Controls (3 credits)
Introduces power electronic systems and design of power electronic devices used for commercial and industrial instrumentation and control. Topics include magnetic materials and design, semiconductor switches, power diodes, rectifiers, inverters, ac voltage controllers, level triggered switching devices, power MOSFETS, IGBT, pulsed triggered devices, thyristors, GTO, MCT, thyristor circuits, power transistors, dc to dc converters, switch-mode power supplies, dc to controlled ac, UPS, ac to controlled ac, ac and dc motor drivers. Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 342.
EE-454 Microcontroller Applications (3 credits)
Focuses on the use of microcontrollers in real-time applications. Organized around several open-ended projects. Each project requires the complete design of a working microcontroller system for a given application and programming in C. Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 354. Spring.
EE-456 Small Computer System Design (3 credits)
Project-based course covers advanced design and development topics related to real-time microcomputer systems and networks. Topics include memory management, data structures, network architecture, communication protocols, power considerations, hardware design, and hardware/ software trade-offs. Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 354, 454. Taught by request.
EE-458 Real-Time Operating Systems Programming (3 credits)
Covers real-time operating system concepts including concurrent programming, task scheduling, mutual exclusion, synchronization, and inter-process communication. Practical experience is gained through a series of project assignments.Prerequisites: Computer Science 215; Electrical Engineering 254 or Computer Science 220; Spring.
EE-465 Digital Control Systems (3 credits)
Advanced analysis and design of linear systems. Analysis and design of digital control systems emphasized through classroom discussions, homework assignments and design projects. Both classical and modern control system design techniques studied. Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 360.
EE-470 Analog and Digital Communications Theory (3 credits)
Communication theory for both digital and analog systems. Emphasis on digital systems. Topics include Fourier analysis, modulation and demodulation theory, digital signaling formats, communication systems design fundamentals, and applications. Probability and random processes introduced and applied to the study of narrow band noise in communication systems. Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 310. Fall.
EE-471 Wireless Communication Theory (3 credits)
Wireless Communication Theory (3) This is a senior level course that provides a systems-level view of modern wireless communication systems. Special emphasis will be placed upon development and understanding of the cellular telephone network. Topics include: wireless propagation, antenna radiation, channel characteristics, interference, cellular concepts including clustering, cell sectoring and splitting, traffic engineering, pulse detection, the matched filter, correlation receivers, digital modulation, spread-spectrum signaling, channel access methods including frequency division (FDMA), time division (TDMA), and code division (CDMA) multiple access. Prerequisites: EE 310. Spring.
EE-494 Senior Project Seminar (0 credits)
Provides guidance for the selection of a topic in the senior design project sequence. Projects, including industry-sponsored projects, presented for student selection. Prerequisite: 12 hours of 300-level electrical engineering courses. Spring.
EE-495 Senior Project Phase I (3 credits)
Plan the engineering project and formulate the preliminary design under the guidance of faculty and industrial advisors. Seminar sessions address professional ethics and the social and political contexts of engineering. The economic, environmental, health, and safety aspects of the project are addressed in a written engineering proposal, as are the issues of manufacturability and sustainability. An oral presentation of the proposal is required. Students submit written reaction to seminar topics. Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 380, 494; GPA of at least 2.0. Fall, spring.
EE-497 Senior Project Phase II (3 credits)
Complete the design proposed in Electrical Engineering 495 and build a prototype. A formal design review conducted early in the semester. Written final report, oral report, and demonstration of the completed project required. Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 495. Fall, spring.
EE-498 Independent Study in Electrical Engineering (1-3 credits)
(variable credit) Independent study of a topic of interest to the student. Requires faculty sponsor and approved detailed study plan.
EE-499 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering (1-3 credits)
(1-3 credits) Study of topics of special interest. Topics will be announced. May be repeated. Prerequisites announced when scheduled.